Thursday, July 14, 2011

How to fix things with your ex like things used to be?

kso, My ex and I somewhat talk alot. Were close but than we need our space. I love him to dealth and id do anything to make him happy. We were so perfect together, had everything in comman felt the same about the each, but the feelings sorta drifited off as things happend. Now we know the mistakes and we talk about, and he wants to hang and stuff. He even proves to me sometimes he still loves and cares deep down, by the things he says. He even recently called me for the first time in months again and told me a bit more. Just the things we used to do, how he made me felt, i just feel complete with him. I don't even think about being with anyone else, and when i just doesn't feel right. I can't see myself with anyone else, but when i think of being with him i just get this feeling and than feel like it makes perfect since. I feel like if there is such things as soul mates and he is likely mine. He's the only one to make me comletely happy and made me who i am today, and i love and care about him more than anything. But, Now i found out he may be moving. Which completely torn my heart in two, more then the time we broke up. Breaking up is one thing, but losing him as a great friend and never seeing each ther is another. I can't go through with it.. I just would like to know tips, to help and on how i can get him back, make him miss me more and how i can make him feel like i used to and want me more again so he won't go. Please and Thank you.

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