Monday, July 11, 2011

My friend ( well not really anymore) keeps on saying stuff about me, help?

kso i commented on a pic on fb saying pull up ur shirt cuz her bra was showing. but i really couldn't care less and i was joking cuz she can do wat ever she wants and at the end of the sentence i put this face > ;P like that jking face. so she started spazing and knoe me and her on in a big fight and everyone is saying that i called her a sl*t but i never did so know 1 of my friends is all pissed at me, but the girl who is starting all the drama is saying that im a hole bunch of stuf(like a beoch and other really rude words) and no one like the girl who is starting everything so know she is trying to turn all my friends against me...... what do i do :(

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