Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What should I do ?? 10 POINTS BEST ANSWRR?

Kso there are these drugged at my school and they look like they have Soo much fun when their high on weed.. I'm really smart in school and don't get in trouble at all, and I don't plan on it but sometimes I feel like my parents don't love me and all I want to do is smoke weed ! Should I try it or should I just stay the way I am ? Everyone already thinks I'm a druggie (EVEN MY PARENTS CALL ME ONE !! ) So clearly my parents don't care .. I just feel like I'm trying so hard at school when I could be getting high and having fun ! Wut should I do ? Oh also the druggies r Soo hot the one I have a huge crush on said that he would let me use his bong ! ?

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