Thursday, July 14, 2011

Why would he do this to me </3?!?!?

Kso; I have this guy friend whom I like. He doesnt know this, but we are very close and he tells me everything about him. lately we have been getting into alot of fights. But they are always fights over text message never in person I cannot stand to yell at him ot his face it would break my heart. Now a couple weeks ago he completely stopped talking to me. nophone calls, no texts, no anything. a few days later, I find out why. He got a girlfriend. He wasnt even brave enough to tell me. Me and this girl dont really get along that well.. and we never have. He still hasnt talked to me. I try so hard.. how can I reason with him? I really miss him, I cant be without him I just feel so empty and... lifeless without him. we used to talk alnight. Up until 4 in the morning juss talking sometimes we would be on the phone and not say anything at all. I just want my old friend back, please help me get him to talk to me!!!

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