Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Barefoot running stress fracture?

So you are having bone pain? Kind of hard to believe for the bones don't have pain sensors in them. When there is a fracture or a break it's the muscles around those things that get the pain from being moved out of their normal place. If you have a fracture you aren't supposed to be able to see what is moving to give you pain? I've seen a lot of tight tendons that dr.'s can't find on scans giving pains they they just plain missed because of that. Blaming pain on something that doesn't even feel pain seems pretty lame.


Well don't blow him, he would obviously tell everyone since he is telling everyone you offered. I would say something like "Well remember I tried that one time but your penis is so small I couldn't even see it"

I am 36 weeks and my husband and I are still arguing over boy's name to suit family name Nosferatu?

why not wait till the baby is born... it should be fun picking out babies names, you shouldnt be arguing over it. u will have enough to fight about when your child grows up, trust me i have 4!!. as for staying out all night and slleping all day because you carnt agree is stupid, sit him down and get him to talk to you, as an adult.

Why many peoples and tennis players call Andy Murray is the ''pusher''?

Legendary tennis player John McEnroe and famous tennis coach Paul Annacone citing that Murray ''may be the best counterpuncher on tour today''. so let compare him with Rafael Nadal

I NEED to run away... somone.. anyone... plz help me...?

kso, ik this might sound, well, dumb. BUt its something i NEED to do. i need to leave my house, before i go crazy! my reason? well my mom is crazy, and when i mean crazy, i legit mean crazy. She doesn't have a job and she goes around like yelling and screaming at people about the random est things, my whole family has told her to go and get help but she refuses. Every now and then shell start yelling about god knows what and Thur things scream threaten and in about an hr and a half, 3hr tops, shell calm down and act as if nothing happened. ik that sounds weird, but its the truth. Anyways, when she does that kind of stuff ill just go to my dads house ( he live right there so it takes about 5 min) but when i get there ill ex plane why im there and hell get mad cuz the thinks my mom is stressing me and he has friends that have kids that have died because of stress and stuff like that so he gets worried and hell call my mom and they'll start yelling at each-other threaten each other etc. Me being 13 don't know what to do but cry... usually kids like me talk to there trusted friends about this kind of stuff so its not on there mind 2.4.7. But for some reason, i think that's a bad idea and most of my trusted Friends tell their parnetens everything and i don't want anyone else finding out about my " problem" so you can only imagine how stressful this is, counting my stress from school. i mean im not a loner or anything, im actually pretty popular, but my grades arnt the best. now, plz don't tell me i shouldn't do this cuz i already know i shouldn't do it, and its not a matter of what i should and shouldn't do its a matter of what i need to do. ive put up with my family for a while now and i don't think i can do it any more, i just need to get away from here before it gets to the point were i become suicidal. ik that's a bit drastic i would NEVER do it, EVER, but its crossed my mind and im afraid one day ill get so mad...a dn it might be to late, like i said before, i don't want a lecture, i want to know how to be ready....

Survey: pancakes or waffles?

WAFFLES I make them every sunday morning for my family. I like to put a splash of vanilla essence in them with geradelli milk chocolate and sometimes with a bit of raisons too!!!!!! OMG ITS ALMOST SUNDAY IM EXCITED

How do I make someone feel worthless?

First of all, how old are you? If she's making your life crappy it's most likely because she is jealous of you. Usually girls don't like each other because the other one has something they want. Either material or psychical. If I were you I'd go up to and ask what her problem is. Big the bigger person, by you trying to make her feel like **** it just shows you're just as petty as she is. I know it's hard to ignore but seriously try. If you don't give her a response she will eventually leave you alone.

TRUE or FALSE: 9 out of 10 people like CHOCOLATE and the 10th. person always lies?

Well, then the 10th person would like chocolate. Yet how would I know he is lying? How would I know the liar is not you? Are you basically asking "does everyone like chocolate?" because the answer would be no. There are newborns who haven't tasted chocolate and people who are allergic. However I don't know if you are asking that, so I cannot give an answer.


chillax person!!! u didnt eat 10000000 i promise u that. besides, u seem hyper, just run or jump it off or something

Should i let my bf touch me when he wants?(need help)?

my bf n me were best friends for a year before we started to date 3 mnths that time he was shy and use to tell me he doesnt like sex but now its different...whenever m saying sumthing..he just kisses me madly n starts to knead my body n i hav to shout to stop him....he is 19 and i m 14 so i dont like this now....i really love him though...last tym we met he pushed me on his bed n started to kiss n knead my body n opened his shirt...i was shouting bt he didnt stop until i slapped him ,,,n left now m too scared to meet him as if next time he will rape me after that he told me hes sorry by msg many many times n even sent me a dress a teddy n chocolates,,,,,i cant even tell mom abt this.....wt shld i do? i m very much in love with him but is he lusted or what? shld i just let him touch me,,is this normal? thanks

Using feria hair dye? (brown) Questions!?

Feria is one of my favorites. Lasts a good while, and usually works pretty well. If you are going from light to dark then you might have to dye it twice, but you'd have to do that with any dye sans professional.

What to wear to 'hang out'?

Something comfy but cool if u like him try a little harder than usual jeans skirt blOuse t shirt hoodie something that's comfy u like it and looks good on you please help with my question;_ylt=AsIASeLv2YfFr4B_Gk4giBIM_dw4;_ylv=3?qid=20110612211009AAth0yA

If I'm not pregnant, what do my pregnancy symptoms mean?

This pretty much sounds like me 6 months ago. i didn't have my period for 3 months and had lots of pregnancy symptoms. after 10 neg preg tests i was so confused cause i had myself convinced. The mind is a powerful thing. once you come to terms with the fact you are not pregnant, your cycle will start again.

Anywhere to watch Chad Michael Murray in Undressed?

I know that he appeared in an episode of the MTV show Undressed, but can't seem to find it. Please don't say youtube if you don't have a link to the episode because i have already checked there. Thanks for the help.

What do you think of my story?

Ok so my story is about a girl named Dakota Murray who attends Santa Clara Riding Academy in Sanata Clara California and Dakota and her best friend Lisa Wilson are from Elk City, Oklahoma. Lisa, Dakota and a few other dressage riders are chosen to try out for the Olympics. But a few days before the big trial, someone tries to poison the riders horses so that they are not able to compete. Dakota and Lisa have to try to find out who is behind this and find out why it is being done before something bad happens! I also need a title for this. Please help and no rude comments.

Are there any old furniture auctioneers in mysore on the lines of "murray's ' in chennai?

'murray's in chennai is a large shop where you can buy or sell your furniture. infact, you can auction anything from an old almirah to a mobile phone to a mixie. is there anything similar in mysore?

Where can a launch party be?

A launch party for a chocolate bar should be in a candy store or some other public place that is related to your product. You could sell the bars at the launch party (the store getting a share of the price).

Best natural running shoe?

So i have been using the vibram fivefingers KSO for about a month now. But i recently found out that i need to wear sneakers to football weight lifting. So i'm at a dilemma, running in normal shoes now hurts my knees but i cannot wear the vibrams. So what are some good alternative running shoes? I looked at the reebok Reeflex, but i dont know how well they work.

Belly fat and cardio ?

hey ! kso im trying to lose my belly fat . some ftiends told me that cardio works and i just wanted to make sure . right now my belly is bloated like hell, why ? cause i had so much fruit today :P anyways , its just the belly fat i need to get rid of. how much cardio a day do you recommend ? will it be possible to get it by june ? i only need to lose less than 1 inch

Turn off Lg Chocolate Touch alert sound for text msg!?

I have the chocolate touch and compared to my older phones where i could go into sound settings and for the alert sound for a message i could simply choose none i cant do that with this phone and theres no way for me to turn JUST the text volume down. basically i want to know how do I keep my ringtone for calls loud but have no sound for a text message but still vibrate so i know i have one :D thanks

Should i die my hair ?

Any color .i have chocolate brown.beautiful thick hair that my friends are jelly of.Should I??!!!?!!?!? PLEASEEEEE ANSWERRRRRRR.What do you reccommend

When will my boobs grow?? (Please Read?)?

Kso, I am 14 and I am a 34B and I have had boobs since I was 9. I just recently went to a B about 1 or 2 years ago and they haven't grown since. And when I don't have the bra they look kinda small-ish. Like not an a but like a small B. But my family does have bigger boobs. Like a lot of the teenagers in my family have a C. And I kinda take after my mother in a lot of ways like my but, and my figure and stuff regarding development and my mom has a D but that's cuz she had 4 kids. But I kinda develop faster than her tho... But like I just wanna know what's the normal age for the bulk of the boob growth to happen?

Who was wrong me or her?

she may be pms-ing, going through menopause, may be a side effect from medicine, depression, etc- try talking to her on one of her mellow days to see what's going on- she may not realize she's flying off the handle- best wishes!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

GUY TROUBLES! help plz?

You should ask him directly if you two are in a relationship. A couple of months is already a long time, and you two are mature enough for a relationship. And don't be so shy, don't just text him, call him! :)

First time dog owner...please help!?

Well, you should first leave Lola in her crate when you leave(as ling as it's not too long because they need to use the bathroom and all that)....but after you've had her for a while, and if she behaves well, try letting her out of her crate when you leave. Also, it's best to let her out while you there for fresh air, but also keep her in, both I'd better. About her sleeping, let her sleep when she feels she wants to, but mostly she will/should sleep @ night around when you do. I suggest walking her every day!! Even If it's only a few minutes. Or play fetch it something to get her moving.I also suggest try not to let her eat table scraps, because between that and her normal food, she will become overweight and with that her back legs will become authretic. Hope it helps!! Enjoy your dog, they are amazing animals!! ;)

Am I In Love??????????????????????????…

Don't waste your time with this guy; you deserve so much more! He's being a douche and taking you for granted. That boy and his girlfriend both seem like very toxic people and not healthy to be in a relationship with. I really would find someone else more worth it.

TENNIS: Who do you think will win the next 2 Slams in tennis?

For Wimbledon, . Federer and Nadal are the best contenders,while in womens i think sharapova will win the grandslam tittle

I had a dream i was being kidnapped!?

kso lastnight i had a dream that i was with my friend and we went back to my house for a sleep over, but it wasnt even at my current house, it was at my old apartment building. But anyways and then we started singing songs waiting for someone to come open the door cuz i never had my key.. and it was dark outside, and then we seen some creepy old guy and girl in the car, and then we started screaming and running away, then they like jumped outta the car and started chasing my friend she ran away, then i started running,then the came from the other side and started chasing me i knew i was never gonna get away cuz he was like right behind me so i stopped and then i looked at him, and he said get in the car.. and i said no why.. and then my friend came back and then hes like.. you were following us, dont try and play games, and we were like no were not, and then i just woke up? wtf ?

RE : Good story line.?

Don't you mean story title and I think it should be something much more connected with the book since you didn't give many details..... Maybe it could be a line that grace says...,

Should i get the Iphone 4 16g or 32 g?

kso, i was wondering should i get the Iphone 4 16g or 32 g? Because i know im gunna put music, apps and movies on it. But i wanna get the cheapist one, so will the Iphone 4 16g have enough space ?

Tory found dead at Glastonbury; Wondered (before then) was that going to Cameron's next moral moan?

It's a bit strange that the only tory on the entire complex apart from Annie Nightingale should end up dead though don't you think?

Can someone help me choosing children's songs?

I am a scout leader for 6-8 year olds and they are having a large teddy bears picnic tomorrow night. I have been left in charge of getting music for them, but it's proved more difficult than I thought! Does anyone know what kind of songs would be suitable for that age group? I need an answer urgently!!! I can't have them too babyish that they would get annoyed, but they need to be children's songs! Thank you! (Also, if anyone knows a link where I could download the Teddy Bear's Picnic song, could somebody post it to me? I have the Anne Murray version but I don't think they'll like it!)

Losing weight and gaining muscle?

Omg. Yes you will gain weight but don't expect muscle gains eating like this. Where is your protein??? 1 gram for every pound of bodyweight.

Why dont some people consider Andy Murray and Rory McILroy as British?

I think most people do accept that they are from the U.K., but as they are not English they receive less media coverage. Andy Murry and Rory McIlroy will be described as British citizens on their passports.>>"ADDITION">>>Hey, @"Old Know All", Rory McIlroy is from Holywood, Country Down,Northern Ireland,United Kingdom.

If Georgia Forces Kellen Moore To Play Badly ... Will This Hinder His Heisman Chances?

Georgia will be a soft team to beat since Georgia was terrible last year, and Aaron Murray was just as bad. For the rest of Boise State's teams they play this year? They are not playing the MAC teams anymore since they are in the MWC. They still play a couple of the teams, but their opponents are Air force and San Diego State.I think TCU is still there for one more year before they go to the Big East. So, it will not be easy wins in the MWC. I say, Boise State will win 45 to 28.

Can going vegetarian help you loose weight?

If you hardly eat meat and you're very picky on vegetables, what do you eat then? I mean, you should realise that becoming a vegetarian means that the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet would increase because you HAVE to eat something. This would help you lose weight - yes, but only if you also cut some of the sweets and irrelevant sugars off your menu.

Briggs&Stratton 12.5HP Engine Backfiring and won't turn over after rebuild...timing?

You could be 180 degrees out of time. Check to see that piston is at top dead center when timing marks align.

Im a little confused?

kso, if someone in my family marries a latin person...does that make me latin as well, even thouugh im black?

I need something like chocolate ganache but not hot?

i'm making cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and i'm supposed to be adding zebra stripes on top with chocolate ganache but that is hot and will melt my cream cheese frosting. won't it? i'm wondering if there is anything that is similar that i could use.

Why do I crave chocolate everyday?

I have really bad cravings for chocolate every single day. I really want to stop this and I have been trying for years. What can I do?

What type of thermostat do i buy?

Your car has a sophisticated computer control system. It is designed to run at a certain temperature. If you do need a thermostat you should go with original equipment specs. You would be wise to have your car looked at by someone who can tell you for sure what the problem might be. Guessing could be troublesome at best.

Will there ever be an atheist who will make a genuinely positive contribution to humanity?

I am not talking "AGNOSTIC", but a fully dyed in the wool ATHEIST.Karl Marx was an atheist, but he turned out to be a borderline loser.Madeleine Murray O'Hare?

My Mom Won't let me get another Dog ?

I Really Want another Dog , my mom always says yes then she backs out of it for no reason apparently ? Our other dog is really hers and has a Bad attitude towards me . It's not really even a Dog , i have asked for other pets ( Rabbits , Ferrets ) and she still says no , i save up my money cut the grass for free , do stuff without being told Keep My room clean living room clean . Walk Her dog , then she says i spend too much time on facebook ( untruthful ) , only get on later in the day except weekends . Then i say well if i had something else to do , i wouldn't spend so much time on there , i dont really have alot of friend and really dont go out with my few friends once or twice a year . I want a Chocolate Lab or a Golden Retriver or possibly a Cocker Spaniel , her favorite breeds but she says No ! I'm not a Bad Pet owner . with my past pets ( Birds ) , BTW thats the only thing she WILL let me have . And i dont want another !

Which phone has everything I want?

have verizon but might switch doesn't matter to me. Right now I have a lg chocolate touch and I really like it. I want something that has Bluetooth built in takes good pictures and video, has an fm radio, mp3, a voice recorder and I want to b able to set my ringtone as one of the recordings if that makes sense. I would like to have Internet at apps and games would be great. Preferebly touch screen. I don't care if it has a qwerty keypad or not. I was thinking about a droid but I don't know what do u think???


I have a pair of KSO VFF's but i want a real minimalist shoe that i can run in with a little less risk of injury. I've been running barefoot for a while, been getting wicked bad shin splints though when I run in regular running shoes so what do you think is the best minimalist shoe that i could wear for cross country, and running half marathons?

Ipod Installous4 help?

Try another source and get closer to your wifi router. If that doesn't help, reinstall the app using cydia

Which Canmake eye shadow colors should I get for my eye color?

I have green eyes myself, and pinks and purples really work well on green eyes and make them stand out more.

Introducing my dog to my kitten? helphelphelp?

I just recently got a lovely little maine coon kitten. a very sweet little thing. i also have a very large, very rowdy 1 year old catahoula leopard hound crossed with chocolate lab. hes a very good dog, very friendly. but hes such a klutzy oaf, and gets very rough when he plays with other dogs, i always tell him to settle down when he gets too rough. but anyway, i introduced them and as i expected he immediately wanted to play with it. i asked him to lay down and placed the kitten down beside him. at first he sort of snuffled him and seemed very interested, wagging his tail and all. as the kitten walked around, he followed him. keeping a very close eye on him, his eyes were locked on him and everytime the kitten made a move to go run somewhere he would jump forward as if to chase him but i would snap at him and he would stop and continue to follow him around and just stare him down. im so worried that hes gonna just go for him when im not looking. i would never trust him with him but like if he got out and i didnt know im not sure if he would do anything. what do i do ??

Monday, July 18, 2011

How to avoid having to go to a party?

Kso, i've been invited to a party tomorrow but i got the news late thus i don't have a present nor a card to give her and i don't really want to go get one (im lazy). I don't want to show up empty-handed either, but the dilemma is that she really wants me to come. Do you have any ideas on how to avoid going to the party WITHOUT being mean and WITHOUT saying that I already have plans because she knows im free tomorrow. Much thanks.

What to say when giving a gift?

I did a week long basketball camp. the coaches were really nice and the loved me (not like relationship love, like i was there favorite person @ the camp). one of the coaches was my favorite, but all six of the coaches were really nice. So i want to give them i little something. i already baked some chocolate muffins (hopefully none of them are allergic to chocolate). then i wrapped them in a clear wrap and tied them with bows so they would look cute (and they do). the coach that likes me the best is also my favorite. he is my favorite because i kind of like him. but when i am giving him his gift, i don't want to say something stupid or anything like that. HELPPPP!!!!!!!!!

I can't manage to get wet.. -.- HELP.?

This happens once you grow more experienced with sex. Not everything turns you on anymore because you've gotten used to it, and it takes bigger, better things to really get the job done now. Let him know atleast that it's not him at all and spice things up a little! Try some new positions, do anything you can and if still nothing then stick to the lube, you never know it might grow on you.

The real reason women have racially lost self respect?

Who do some of you women think you are to be attracted to or even consider glancing at a dark skin black man. What has gotten through some women’s heads, are you sick or something, mentally handicapped what is it? They say that women are attracted to looks like men but come on! What the hell do you see in dark skin black men. Ah dark skin black men are masculine? My *** please! You women should burn in hell for that you make me sick. I don’t believe that any women doesn’t want us or even secretly. Our eye colours vary green, blue, hazel etc, blond/ brunette hair. What have dark skin black men got, chocolate dark skin and that’s supposed to be masculine kisses teeth. For other men I know it is easy for them to feel they aren’t desired but no matter what anyone says everyone knows all women want us and this is no superiority complex as you call it, this is fact. If they don’t they’re either blind or stupid and deserve to die. Ladies do everyone a favour and let them rot on their own. I swear if a women is attracted to dark skin black men she is completely lying as this is not scientifically possible. Every other type of man including light skin black men look closer to the ideal/ us so finding dark skin black men appealing is a lie and God shall punish you for committing such a filthy sin. If you delete this its because it’s the truth. If you don’t delete this its because it’s the truth.

Horse crossing color questions?

You will not know the color outcomes unless you are able to review the bloodlines of the horses and determine their dominant genes. On a side note, black, buckskin, and grey are all considered to be mutations. These are caused as a result of bad genes. This is why it seems so hard to find a 'good' horse of those colors. :)

Predict the score of Murray vs Nadal, Wimbledon 2011 semifinal?

Best answer is chosen based on the following priority: winner, sets, order of sets won/lost, game accuracy with sets.

How does Climate Change effect the Murray River?

Australia is currently showing the effects of climate change. I need to find out how the Murray River System is changing due to climate change. I appreciate the help. Thanks.

The movie 'A Cinderella Story'?

WOO! I have this movie (; I'm sure you could order one off the internet? Are you from the US or the UK? We ordered ours from in the UK. I'm not sure if you're in the US though :)

Why do I crave chocolate everyday?

I have really bad cravings for chocolate every single day. I really want to stop this and I have been trying for years. What can I do?

13 and got raped.. What do I do????!!!!?

kso, first of all i am 13. I got raped a few days after my birthday wich was like a week ago. Im not going to tell you the whole story about how i got raped because thats a long story. All i can say is that it was a man that i did not know and hes was probbaly 30 or 40. Anyways I think i developed an eating disorder a few days after. I dont really know. But for a while i litterly just stopped eating. Then I just pigged out on junk food then felt guilty after and made myself throw up. And i just wanna say that i am fat. I know i am. I have been called fat in the past and it hurt alot. Also I started cutting my wrist a few days ago I sware to god it makes me feel alot better. A few weeks after I got raped I told my vice pricable. She called me a councler and I had to talk to her.Then they called in the police and I had to talk to him. It was honestly the hardest day of my life. I wish I never told her. I felt like killing my self after I talked to all those people. She told me that it was her job to let my mom know about everything. So she called my mom and then let her know. My mom came home crying and stuff. But afterwards my mom seemed to be making this more about her. She started telling all of her friends she was really sad. Then she would tell them what happend to me. She even told one of her friends that I never even met. I also warned my vice princable that my mom would end up telling people! Im not really close with my mom though. She calls me a bit** on a daily bassis. And she slapped me across the face when i was like six. And last year she slapped me across the face for taking my labtop to a friends. My mom has also called me fat in the past. I have also lost close to ten pounds. I was 130pounds at first now I weigh 123pounds. and im proud about that. I like feeling skinnier!!! Also I hate my mom because when she had a boyfriend he would be a jerk to me no joke. and i would cry myself to sleep when they were dating. I didnt deservve that. My mom and dad also devorced a year ago and its really hard. I just wannna end my life!?:( I sware to god its the hardest point and im just ready to let go.

If Andy Murray Beats Nadal... Will pigs start flying?

Not only will pigs fly, they'll be able to shoot lasers out of their eyes and will have a fifth leg.

I need serious answers.. please help?? no judgment..?

Kso, I'm 14. Yeah yeah, Young.. i know. But, Idk why.. I want a kid. I started getting this thought when I was babysitting my cousins baby Blayke. I know it will cost ALOT of money w/ a baby. And I know it's alot of work taking care of a baby. I know all of that.. But, I honestly don't really know why i want one so bad.. I've tried to tell my mom about this thought.. But she flipped the hell out on me.. & I have no one to talk to about this. /: I've talked to my boyfriend about that i want a baby..and he said "It's up to you if you want one, But won't your parents kill us?" My parents are split up... So, If i did get pregnant, I don't know where i would live.. I was thinking about living with my aunt, But she does drugs.. But, Idk really. I want a baby, But at the same time.. I don't...I just sorta kinda want a baby to prove i'd be a better mom, then my own mom.. Someone please helpp? & No judgment.. I need serious answers...

Help with Bake Sale Pricing?

Bake sales are tough. I wouldn't charge over a dollar for the cookies and brownies. Only because it's not a store bought brownie or cookie so people aren't compelled to buy them as much. Not sure why but that's just how it goes. I would charge at least $0.50 for the lemonade because as I can imagine it's not a fully filled big cup. If it is then, be my guest and charge $1! For the fruit salad I would say charge $3-4.50 for it.


hi, i really need help and really good advice. Kso Graduation is just around the corner, and i got my dress and everything and its really nice and i wore it and it looks good cuz i gt curves and a hour glass figure but i really really need to gain weight and body fat around my bust line and waist. im 13 and around 90 pounds and im super tall i dont know exactly hpw tall but i think around 6ft 5? but ye im really tall, and i have a very petite waist and my bra size is 34A, so ye im pree flat chested . BUT REALLY REALLY NEED TO GAIN BODY FAT AROUND MY BUST LINE AND WAIST AND NEED TO GAIN WEIGHT!! SO PLZ PLZ PLZ HELP ON HOW I CAN DO DAT IN THE BEST POSSIBLE WAY, I ONLY GOT A MONTH!!! PLZ AND THANK YOU, IT WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!

In arabic how do you say "i need chocolate"?

My husband is frm jordan can u tell me in arabic english text " I need chocolate" thanks everyone

Have i ruined my hand?

Kso, Yesterday i slammed two of my fingers in a door i lost some feeling in one finger and had all sorts of weird pains in my forearm today i can not lift any thing heavy with that one hand, like a plate or a laptop. The hand kind of has a tingly sensation, and there is a light bruise around the first knuckle, i dont want to go to the doctors if its nothing serious, thanks for your input!!

Is the media infecting the mind of the youth?

totally right kids make fun of me because i have a big ***... and it makes me feel bad but i dont care ill eat what i want

Do you think Federer, Nadal, Djokovic, Murray etc. would complain if..?

I don't think it's fair that she's pm Court 2..Wozniacki doesn't complain because she's never won a slam. But Serena and Venus have won more Wimbledon's than Nadal, and he would never be placed on Court 2? Why you ask, I don't know. Fricken Sharapova is always put on Centre or Court 1 too. Doesn't make sense, she has the right to complain. She's the DEFENDING CHAMPION

Shaving cream in my mouth?

Kso, I was shaving, and when I was washing off the shaving cream, I think a bit may of went in to my mouth, after, I rinsed my mouth out with water, and brushed my teeth. It definitely wouldnt have been a lot of shaving cream, if any, but I have really bad anxiety..and I need to be assured before I calm down..

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Breakup because of moving .?

kso . Saturday , me and my boyfriend brokeup because i'm moving to California .. we're both heartbroken . i havent stopped crying ): my friend has been on the phone with him recently and he's been crying , saying that he wants to move to Cali too . & that he doesn't even wanna leave his house .. i dont know what to do ? this is the worst thing i've EVER gone through ..

Does he like me at all???

he definitely doesn't hate you. but i'd have to see you two interact to say for sure how he feels about you. if you really want to know you could just take a chance and ask him out. then he'll answer the question for you. either way, you still get to be around him and he'll still be your friend or more.

Does anyone own a lynx?

Your cat has markings similar to a lynx, but it's not a lynx, it's a domestic shorthair. I had a cat that also had black tips , but long, but called him 'caracal'..though of course he wasn't a caracal. Lynx felines are also 3x bigger than the average domestic shorthair feline.

Just how good is Andy Murray?

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Why is my period 9 day late? 15 years old.?

hiya. i am 15 years old and my period is 9 day late. i have never had sex so im obviously not pregnant. My period is usually early by about 2 days or late by 3. i dont understand my it is so late now. The only thing that i have changed about my diet is that im not eating chocolate and sweets in the week (whereas i used to eat that every day). im not stressed but i have had exams recently. before my period i get stomach pains that are quite bad for a bit. i have had a headache for the last 3 days and on tuesday, i did get stomach pains in my lower abdoman an i thought i would get it yesterday but i didnt. what do you guys think??

My repeat eastbourne final tsonga v murray is still on?

it wasnt tsonga defeating federer, that shocked me, it was how, being 2-0 down, he's got gut's and will have the bit between his teeth, still expect djokovic to get to the final. but you never known.

I am not sure if he likes me?

Kso, there is a boy in my class. He sits behind me and he will sometimes whisper something funny into my ear and when I sit in my other seat I ALWAYS catch him looking at me. I don't look at him often. Only when he has been looking at me for awhile. And, sometimes he will look away fast. But, if I smile at him he will smile back. He teases me allot too. Like, one day in science I burned a whole in my new shirt, I said I was going to throw it out and he asked why and I said that the wholes bothered me. Now sometimes when I say something he will be like "does that bother you" with a smile. But, I am not really sure if this means he likes me. I am pretty confused. Help? Thanks in advance.

How is doctor conrad murray being treated by mj fans/society?

Im doing a project on the theme of individual vs socitey and I have chosen Conrad Murray as my individual. I would like to know, in detail, how he is being treated by the fans of MJ/Society

What is a good diet for a teenager or young adult?

Kso, Im looking for a good "Diet" or like a healthy meal plan. I do 15-20 minutes of running a day. Im trying to tone my body by july. So in like a month. I just recently started running and I need something thats easy, not something that you have to order food, or use pills or anything. Just like something that can help guide me in the direction of loosing the bit of weight I want to, and get rid of "love handles". Some exercise would also be a nice touch, Please help.. ?

How good are the chances that Chad Michael Murray and Hilarie Burton will return for Season 9 of OTH?

I read that the CW manager plans to talk with them and is positive they might return considering it's the very last season. I don't want to get my hopes up too high so I just want to know when it will be announced whether or not they will be returning, or if that decision has already been made.

In the movie "zombieland" there is a painting of Bill Murray on the wall in his house.?

In the movie "zombieland" there is a painting of Bill Murray on the wall in his house. He is sitting on a horse i think. I would love to have this on my wall at my house. Is there a copy of it out there somewhere?

How to calm my self down when furious?

BLAST YOUR IPOD!! that helps me. and if you want you can punch/ hit stuff, but you don't wanna hurt yourself so make sure you hit something soft. also you could scream. and you can stomp and run around to get rid of ur angry energy, also you could call or text someone and rant

I'm about to flip out..?

kso, my older sister who has been in college for 2 years now, quit her summer job because she didn't feel comfortable there. which is reasonable in my mind. but my mom flipped out saying that she should have just stuck it out for the summer because you're never going to like a job. then she called kaitlyn (older sister) a spoiled *****. then came into the licing room with me and my younger sister, and called us both spoiled bitches and started freaking out at us. she was taking her anger out on us. now, 2 weeks later, she still won't speak to any of us. all she'll say is 'yeah' 'okay' or 'whatever' ... i even said i love you and she said 'yeah right'. i have to drive fore 30 minutes with her every morning to my day program rehab. and her doing this is making me stressed, and stress leads to me using drugs. she doesnt realize this. but i'm actually going to freak out at her any minute now. she's taking her anger out on the rest of the family for something she shouldnt even be mad at ANYONE for. she even said the whole family hated her and junk.. and she's actually had to take depression pills because she thought the whole family hated her beofre.. what do i dooooooooooo?!?! D: i feel the need to use drugs really badly..

Do older guys like younger girls? 1 year or 2?

Kso, I like this guy his one year older than me, he's 15 and I'm 14. He's almost turning 16 though. Anyway so him &I are friends we're not so close but we're friends. I don't get to see him to much due to the fact that he's in high school (10th) and I'm in middle school (8th) but well actually his homeschooled but visits the high school once ina while. we've hungged out before last summer we were so close. and ive known him since 6 grade and he was in 10th and he kinda acts like he likes me, and he flirts with me. and hes really nice to me (and hes actually mean to girls his age, and other girls) ANWAY MY POINT IS!! do you think he'll ever like me back?

What do you think of my story?

Ok so my story is about a girl named Dakota Murray who attends Santa Clara Riding Academy in Sanata Clara California and Dakota and her best friend Lisa Wilson are from Elk City, Oklahoma. Lisa, Dakota and a few other dressage riders are chosen to try out for the Olympics. But a few days before the big trial, someone tries to poison the riders horses so that they are not able to compete. Dakota and Lisa have to try to find out who is behind this and find out why it is being done before something bad happens! I also need a title for this. Please help and no rude comments.

How can i just relax?

Try listening to soundtracks of rain gently falling, or waterfalls, and nature. That always helps when I am stressed out and need to relax. You could also use Ivey hot patches, or you could use a heating pad on a lower setting and just lay on it to relax. Think of memories from when you were a little kid, and just try and forget about everything that is going on around you. Completely zone out and replay a memorie in your head or a dream you want to come true in your head. If your hot and can't get comfortable and relax you can always try putting a cool damp washcloth on your forbead and arms and the back of your neck, or you can try laying in different ways or sitting in different ways. I have trouble relaxing sometimes too, eventually you will find something that will work for you. Good luck

What Dose It Mean When A Guy Says This To YOu? help?

He's obviously playing hard to get I bet if you ignore him a little bit he will be right after you he's just playing games that's all

Ok I am A 219 Lb Sophmore and need to lose weight?

i am going to eliminate all chocolates, candies , fast foods and every drink even gatorade by replacing it with water and eating a lettuce salad with carrots and going to do weight and pushups and sit ups what else can I do?

I slept with my brothers best friend?

I feel that your bro thinks of you as an innocent young lady and to find out that your exploring especially with his "bro" or best homeboy is coming as a little shock.

Why don't chocolate chips melt into chocolate chip cookies?

I was just wondering why the chocolate doesn't mix in with the dough or with the overall flavor of the cookie.

Color oops? work on black hair?

i have naturally dark brown hair and ive been dying it lighter brown for about a year. today i decided i didnt want to keep dying it so i tried dying it a color close to my natural color. the dark chocolate brown dye i used..turned my hair almost jet black. if i use color oops tomorrow morning, what will happen to my hair?

Making out tips for pros:), 5 star to best answer?

kso, today im gonna make out with this guy.. i like him and wee had our first kiss yesterday:) now im ready for a make out, he is too. so we are using tongue so how do i do this while being great and possibly even making him, um excited? :D lmao. and also, how do you know when the make out session is over? i know he pulls away? just help:) thanks!

What to wear on a school end of year trip? :]?

I'm going to Alton Towers in about a week with the whole of my year & I really have no idea what to wear. I am the fussiest person ever with clothes, and find I rarely look good in anything. I don't like shorts, and hate showing my legs. (Due to the lack of self confidence I have..) I live in the UK, so any websites with idea's would really help. I also have dark chocolate dyed hair, that reaches a little past my shoulders. I'll probably end up wearing it down & naturally curly for the trip :] Thankyou to everyone who answers! :)

What are some good gifts to get your boyfriend? (GUYS PREFERED ANSWER ONLY)?

get him some sports stuff, make a cd of his favourite music, pictures of the two of you together. be creative. guys are not complicated. most of the time, we'll be happy with just food.

Why didnt i die today?

if the world is actually going to end, it will be an immediate catastrophic event that may trigger other events. Theres no way one specific day can be singled out- some countries (like New Zealand) are a full day ahead of other countries around the US. So, you can ask, well, is it our May 20 or New Zealands May 20? If it were true the US would watch the world end over and over again as a date crosses into each time zone. Makes no sense.

Is this ok to eat in a day to lose weight?

For breakfast 3 cruskits with cheese and pickles( I used 2 medium sized pickles and 2 light cheese slices). For snacks I had 3 pickles(medium size). I had a small chocolate yogurt which I know I shouldn't of had, but it was small and I was craving it badly. And for lunch I will be having vegetables( broccoli, 3 carrots, 1 onion, 200g of mushrooms, and I will add salt and a teaspoon of margarine to it.

My neighbor feeds my dog and I am having problems getting him to stop?

All I can suggest is that you should not let your dog go near that person anymore. I don't think you should call someone, but rather keep reminding your neighbor and keep your dog away from him. Good luck and take care.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Who do you predict will reach the mens wimbledon finals this year?

It could have been Nadal,Murray,Roddick and Berdych in the final four.But all of them are in the same side of the draw.It will be a Federer vs Nadal final and Nadal will win.

Idk what happened? :c?

kso, I went to the mall with my crush & my 2 other friends. And he was flirting with me and he bought me bracelet and soon we just talked and then he left. We talked for 2 day and didn't speak anymore. `My friend asked him why he doesn't talk to me and he said he;s waiting for me to talk to him. But whats the point ?? -_____- what should i do ?? we haven't talked in about a 1 week or 2.

Does a guy lose interest if you dont initiate things or put out?

when i started dating my current boyfriend 4 yrs ago, i had never been i realtionship prior to tht so i was shy and new to it all too. if he really likes you he will let you go slow. i made my boyfriend wait 6 months before i put out. but i suggest before u put out, to make it official. just ask him straight up if thats what he wants.

Fun ways to make plain vanilla ice cream... better?!?

I have vanilla ice cream but i dont have any chocolate/strawberry sauce to go on top. Are there any common kitchen ingredients that could make a bowl (or a shake, whatever i decide to make ;D) of ice cream...better!!

Will i lose my sinnging voice or will it get better?

Any throat operation risks damaging or changing your singing voice, especially an operation specifically for your voice. I suggest asking your doctor about this before going in for the operation, because it is possible it will make your voice even better :) but it could also kill it

Friend troubles... did i do the right thing.?

Kso, my friend got this boyfriend. And everything was fine untill all of a sudden she didnt talk text me or hang out with me any my other friends anymore. We got really fed up. Because every moment of her time was about her stupid boyfriend. I do also have a boyfriend and i love him to death but i wouldnt put him in front of my friends, So anyways, a little more about them is one day he got his phone taken away before school and she didnt feel good so she wasnt going to go to school so when she texted him he didnt answer so she said she had to go to school to find out if her boyfriend was okay. Its like that ridiculous. So anyways me and my friends told her it was us or him and she choose him. She now has 1 friend. And i have plenty. I just wanna know do you think i over reacted? oh and we hadnt hung out in over 2 months and we used to hang out everyday after schoool.

How old are freshmans in america?

kso, i'm 13 right now and i live in uk, my mum and i are thinking off moving to the usa. So i was just wondering, if i went to america at the start of the next school year, would i be in highschool or still in middle school? I was born on january 98, by the way. :)

How can I stop sweating?!?

Kso, My school is having a spring concert and since Im in the band I have to wear a white blouse and black pants. But , I always sweat at school! Its sooo annoying! When I get home I seriously NEVER swet..Its just at school. So can you give me any tips to not sweating or somthing. && Im a 12 year old girl :) KThanks <3

What's this candy called?

Does anyone know what this candy is? It's a chocolate ball but hollow, and inside it is sweet-tart like candy's. Thanks!

What does an Olympic sport require to be in the olympics?

Hi, kso I heard about before but forgot, but what does an olympic sport require to be in the olympics? thanks :)

What to get a guy friend for his birthday?

Give him the new set of Naruto action figures. Of the Naruto wii game i own it and it is a lot fun.. But why don't you give him a date as a present.. jk

Help me with this math problem ?

Dani is mixing chocolate candy and banana chips. The chocolate candy costs $6.60 a pound and the banana chips cost $3 a pound. How many pounds of chocolate candy will she need to make 15 pound of the mix that will cost $4.20 a pound?

Am I in a relationship or not?! Guy confusion?!?

I would say you are "dating" each other. If you want more, or are confused, next time you see him in person, ask him if he would like to be your boyfriend, or if he'd like to be exclusive. Usually if it's not stated as being exclusive, it's not. Just be prepared, that if he didn't want commitment, he might not talk to you again. If you do want more, and that happens, good riddence. If not, good for you! :)

Please criticize my Descriptive Essay? First time I wrote this type of essay?

I've never read anything better than this! The only thing is this: in the last sentences, i.e "I know for sure, that you will not be contented with just one Galaxy chocolate bar", you could add something more, like "You want your tongue to eat another one".

What are Marlboro Menthols made of?

I know there made of tobacco(of course). But I heard there made from things line chocolate? Is that true?

What to wear to 'hang out'? :D?

jeans and a not slutty yet not too formal shirt should be fine. dont try too hard to more or less put yourself out their. just dress up how you would with your friends.

When Obama send ground troops to Libya in October, what excuses will libs make for him?

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Where can I get a lot of food fast and cheep?

Any ideas? We need a lot of calories before we run. 40k a day because we are loosing too much weight. What can I buy? cookies are too expensive and chocolate bars make us feel sick. Pasta takes too long.

Who has the best reciepe for chocolate mud cake?

I want to make a rich chocolate cake but I cant find a good reciepe to do it with. Who has the best chocolate mud cake reciepe?

Why does andy murray need balance?

why does andy murray need balance, why does jessica ennis need co-ordination, why does katherine grainger need power, why does andrew strauss need good reaction-time

What is wrong with him? did he even like me in the first place?

he definitly liked you ... it sounds likes hes afraid of something... but i honestly belive that afther you graduate you will be even closer together than ever or far apart ! Just remember that all long as you go back to him he will keep doing what hes doing to you . i know it might be hard for you but think about yourself first! best of luck !

Do you think Federer can beat both Nadal and Djokovic on grass?

In this year's Wimbledon itseems like Federer will face Nadal in the semis and then Djokovic or Murray in the final(if he makes it that far)

Why is my period 9 days late?

hiya. i am 15 years old and my period is 9 day late. i have never had sex so im obviously not pregnant. My period is usually early by about 2 days or late by 3. i dont understand my it is so late now. The only thing that i have changed about my diet is that im not eating chocolate and sweets in the week (whereas i used to eat that every day). im not stressed but i have had exams recently. before my period i get stomach pains that are quite bad for a bit. i have had a headache for the last 3 days and on tuesday, i did get stomach pains in my lower abdoman an i thought i would get it yesterday but i didnt. what do you guys think??

Feeling sick after a kiss ?

Kso, i just came back from a party & we were playing spin the bottle & i kissed only two guys & stopped cause i started to feel like throwing up. Is this normal or something?

My girlfriend is horrible at buying gifts. What do i do?

I know it doesn't really about material items and i do no plan on leaving her at all but still. Last Valentines Day she didn't know what to get and i don't eat chocolate so she just got me a card. She even told me that she has no idea what to get a boy for christmas or a birthday. So basically I dont want to constantly get a card from her. I'd rather have something better that i can keep forever that's from her but I don't want to sit there and ask for it. I really do not know what to do. Luckily my birthday isn't till next year. Any suggestions?

How do i train my puppy to be an outside dog?

so i have a 10 week old chocolate lab german shepherd puppy and my parents want her to be an outside dog. and the only time that they are allowing her to come in is when we leave the house and she stays in her crate, they are also allowing her to come in before bedtime for about 30 min. For bed time she sleeps in a crate in the garage. so how do i approach this without making her feel lonesome? as of right now we play with her outside and then she gets tired an falls asleep out there and when she wakes up we go back out and play with her and repeat. is this a good way to approach it? thanks.

Fallout 3 followers help!!?

kso i just beat the game and i had jericho as my follower and i wanna know where he would be cus i blew megaton up ive checked the ruins cant find him and i checked project purity and cant fine him and i know for a fact hes not dead, help please! and i have broken Steele so it would continue

Help ...!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??… please ?

kso i like this boy at school, and i have for 2 years. but the thing is he likes one of my closest friends and she likes him, he also likes this other girl who is also my friend but she doesnt like him. any way.... both of them are georgeous and i cant compete with them (in my opinion, but other people say im pretty) iv also never even kissed a boy (im almost 15) so i would never know what to do if anything happened with us, but the good thing is he has only kissed one girl once so we are kinda in the same boat i guess. but i really really need some advice.... please please please help me !!

I can I act like Im smart?

Kso, I was always a straight A student until I got to grade 7. My grades started to get bad but there were nothing less than a b-. but half way through my first semester my mom took my to this guy and I had to take an IQ test and testing for stuff like ADD and all that other stuff. But my IQ was really high and he said that I didn't have nay sort of disorder. He told my mom to take the papers we got back from him to this other guy and he was like a psychiatrist or something. and he said that when I got to middle school and acted all smart and stuff that no one ever knew what I was talking about so to "fit in" I dumbed myself down to there level and that effected my grades. and my parents were really mad at me for my grades so I want to start acting smart again. but acting stupid is just natural now and I don't even realize when I say something stupid until after. So I need tips to lose the habit of being dumb and get into a new habit of being smart again. Pleeease!! Thanks in advance.

Friday, July 15, 2011

I don't know what to do ?!?

Though I agree that it was a little bit embarrassing for you,however,it got you the attention of the guy you like. This is an opportunity that you should not waste or squander. Since your crush did not ignore you,it is safe to assume that he might like you. It does not indicate if he likes you as a platonic or romantic friend.I will suggest that you use this chance and engage him in conversation(you make the first move if he doesn't ) ,and try to get to know him and learn about him and allow him to do the same with you. You will know from his answers what your next step should be and then be able to go from there. That is your only option for now.


Don't worry about not having your period at age 13. I was really skinny and petite (4'7, 70lbs) in gr 9 and slowly started to gain weight and then I ended up getting my period at the end of gr 10, almost at 16. Don't compare yourself to your friends, let your body do its own thing. When you do end up getting your period, you'll wish you didn't have to endure the agony every month lol enjoy being period-less while you can. Anyway, just open the pad packaging, remove the paper and place the pad on your underwear (there's a sticky side like tape on the bottom of the pad). Make sure you're not wearing a thong/g-string/boy shorts/boxers if you're gonna wear a pad (self-explanatory) lol. In my opinion wings are better because they keep the pad in tact minimizing leakages...Good Luck w/ everything though!

When/ how/ how much sour cream to cake recipe?

If you add sour cream when it isn't called for, you will probably ruin the cake and it will not it any more moist than liquid called for in the recipe. This sounds like a pretty moist cake recipe. Just start testing the cake about 15 minutes after you start baking the cake. Insert a tooth pick in the center of cake and when it comes out clean, the cake is done. 20 minutes is not that long to bake a cake.

Which Phone is better ? Why ?

Kso, im deciding between phones to get. The two choices are the Blackberry Bold or the Blackberry Torch. Im not sure which one is better and will probably last long. I want the phone to last 3+ years. Thanks !

How can I throw a nice party?

Kso, my birthday is tomorrow, but I am not having my party for another two weeks. Around where I live a "good time" is going into the bush and getting hammered. I am not like that AT ALL. My family is really formal and we only drink at dinner and its only a glass of wine. But, I want to throw a really nice party without there being any drinks. And the issue is if there is no drinks its not fun! I am in a bit of a pickle and I need help! my mom needs my plans by tonight so she can get all the party supplies tomorrow! So help FAST please!!! Thanks in advance.

Is this an experimental poem?

Experimental yeah, since it doesn't fall into any poetic genres i know. that is the best type of poem anyway otherwise why bother, a poem is suppose to be creative and this one definitely is unique

Could oatmeal cookies be considered healthy if you make them with healthier ingrediants?

Are oatmeal cookies healthy if instead of white flour you use wheat flour, and instead of sugar you put splenda, & instead of eggs you put egg beaters, and few chocolate chips wih raisins and cranberries and olive oil?

What is an alternative of dark chocolate?

For what purpose? For baking, cocoa powder or carob. For eating, there is no equivalent. For nutritional benefits, green tea and blueberries have the same kind of antioxidants.

55m and 200m hurdle tips, and long jump tips too?

I am also in 7th grade and a girl. i am also the current school record holder with a record of 11'8 for long jump and nearing the record for hurdles.for hurdles: you can do an exercise where you hang your lead leg off the hurdle at your knee joint then quickly snap over. or you can go to a fence and hold onto the top then pull your trail leg up like you would when going over a hurdle. and remember; never let you foot hang, always keep it up and you toe pointed. and for long jump you you should try to run as fast as you can. but dont focus on the line. while you're running at first take a quick glance then at your target which is deep into the pit. and if you thrust your arms up into the air when you take off it gives you higher velocity and more air thus giving you a better distance. HOPE THIS HELPS

Whats the difference between the Vibram five finger models Treck,KSO,KSOTreck?

The Kso is the classic that made them famous, but the bikila was designed with running in mind, has a little more grip, better heel pocket, the toe pockets will last longer, the trek is built for trail running and the Komodo sport is the all purpose shoes, I love my Komodo sport.... More below

Tennis Year End RANKING Prediction?

Its too hard to tell right now although based on the year-to-date rankings, Djokovic is currently in 1st place followed by Nadal, Federer, Ferrer and then Murray.

14 weeks pregnant, girl or boy?

If your craving sweets theres a myth that says its a girl and sours is a boy. It was true on both of my kids. I craved pickles with my son and cake and sweets with my daughter. Good luck & congrats!

Is it a good idea to keep my puppy in her crate during short intervals during the day?

i have a 10 week old german shepard chocolate lab mix. i was wondering if its okay for me to be putting her in her crate for short intervals during the day so she gets used to and accustomed to it. ive been putting her in after she does her buisness and plays for 15-25 minutes. so far ive put her in for a half hour while i was cooking dinner. she cried for a little bit but then got over it. and then i fed her dinner, let her go out to pee and poo, and play for a good 25 minutes, then i put her in her crate while i was watching tv for an hour and she barely cried. is this a good method to getting her use to her crate? i really want to be successful in raising her properly so any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. thank you.

How long will Murray's losing streak last?

Well I was born and raised in Scotland and I hope Andy gets bashed tomorrow by Lopez. I also hope Scotland get thrashed by Ireland and England in the six nations next year!

Dark Chocolate Brown suit with?

I have a dark chololate brown suit, (its hard to tell that it is brown) and i'm trying to decide what shirt and shoes to wear with, so I dont look like a muppet, my gf thinks my black shoes look better, with a blue shirt, any recommendations please?

How do i keep my fondant covered cake firm when cuting?

I have made a chocolate cake in the past and crumb coated it before placing fondant on it and when it was time to cut sunk and was dificult to cut...and now I'm making my 1st wedding cake out of red velvet and don't want this to happen...what do I ned to do?

If you were forced to work in a chocolate factory for life YET you were forced to be deprived of it for life,.?

I don't care much for chocolate so I could do that. I just wouldn't want to work in any kind of factory--I've done it. Men don't act overtly sexual with women because it's a turn off. Women want relationships. Since all it sounds like you want is sex I think you should get a prostitute.

I've got a couple questions about the Vibram KSO Trecks Kangroo skin?

Im thinking about getting the VIbram KSO Trecks but im worried about the kangroo skin. Is it breathable? i dont want my feet to get to hot in them. Also how long does it take for these to drie after wahing? is it the same as other VFF? Also why Kangroo skin? Thanks 2 anybody who can help!

Why do anti-war activists eat Hershey's bars and M&M's?

Because they both are only around because of war. M&M's because of what candy Forrest Mars Sr. noticed soldiers fighting in the Spanish Civil War eating and Hershey's bars because the U.S. Army purchased 30 lbs blocks of chocolate during WWI. Now I know that's not a founding reason, but with out the sponsorship of the Army, how likely would have Hershey's survived?

What is wrong with me?

For around 5 years now i have suffered with what i call 'eye ache' and headaches daily. I have had checks for sinusitis and a brain scan but nothing has come up. I have been put on various medications to try and treat it but nothing seems to work. I used to suffer from severe migranes when i was around 13 but they have dissappeared now. I am 18 years old and it is becoming frustrating now as i just want to know what is wrong with me. I have visitied several doctors and GPs and no one seems to know what is wrong with me. Other than this i am completley healthy so i cant see anything else that would be causing it. I have tried cutting out coffee and chocolate to see if that helped but nothing changed. Can someone help me?!

How long does your first love last? .. your regular chick flick drama tings $:?

It lasts right up until the woman exhibits her true nature and immediately spreads her legs for the next shiny object to come into her sl.utdar. <---thats a merging of sl.ut and radar incase you wondered.

Bones in neck stick out forward, some pain. help please?

kso, in my neck, since about after dinner today, there has been some pain, and i haven't been able to turn my neck. about an hour ago, i was feeling my neck with my thumb to see if i notice anything, and sure enough, i can feel, what i think are to vertabres, they stick out forward, and stick out, by about a finger sideways, im guessing but not sure, its my C2, and C3 or C4, there near the top, just under my jaw, and im pretty sure its not a adams apple. anyways, can someone please help, its 3am, and everyones sleeping, and i don't want to disturb anyone. please help.

Do you think Nadal will beat Murray tonight?

I think Nadal will be hampered by his injury, Murray has been a player have beaten Nadal and Federor, he is an elite player. It is not a big surpise if he happens to win, he has the ability. Djokejic not the other hand seems to have the upper hand on Murray though so if he can advance and end up facing Djokejic, he think will end up just being a finalist .

My Vibram shoes aren't too tight, but...ill explain...?

Basically, my Vibram KSO's are a little tight on my toe big toes. Not so tight that I cant wear them for longer than an hour, but tight enough to notice. My other toe's however are somewhat loose. My question is, will these shoes break in? Will my big toe start to stretch the fabric?

Did anyone see Andy Murray's cheeky under leg volley today?

Yeah!!!! It's so incredible! I'm so proud of Andy!!! He is really making every way to prove that he can. and Wimbledon is really soon. I hope Andy wins the Grand Slam for the home crowd. It's been so long after all. I truly believe he will win. Come on Andy!!! Let's make our country proud!!!

Dont T-Mobile Sidekicks have free texting and internet?

you dont automatically get free txt and internet, you have to pay $30 for the internet and $10 or $15 i forgot for unlimited txting

Anyone have a fabulous peanut butter pie recipe?

I'm a pretty experienced cook but have never made peanut butter pie. I looked on several recipe websites but some recipes included marshmallow creme while others did not and I believe some were baked and others were not. I'm not sure which is the best to follow. Also, I just want a relatively plain pie; no fancy chocolate peanut butter cremes or chocolate graham cracker crust or anything like that. Just a traditional peanut butter pie. Any suggestions?

Does he like me and should we be more than friends?

kso this guy i really really like just broke up with his girlfriend, and tells me on and off that he likes me and thinks i am cute and stuff. but then when i talk to him the next day he just acts as if nothing happened and treats me like a friend again. i want to be more than friends but i want him to admit it first, do u guys think he isnt admitting it because i havent yet? why is he like that one day and not the other? please help. thank you :)

Has Andy Murray ever beaten Nadal or Djokovic in a major tournament?

I'm trying to weigh up his chances going into the Wimbledon quarter finals to see how he'll be if he makes it to the semis, cause he's likely to get Nadal if he does get there

How do i color white chocolate shells after it settles.?

I made chocolate shells to put on top of cupcakes for a party, I was wondering if i could use some kind of power dust to add color because i have seen it on tv with flowers.If you have any suggestions how to jazz them up .The theme is beach and i'm making chocolate cupcakes with vanilla frosting from scratch.And if you know where i can buy it like at a stop n shop, shaws, market basket where ever let me know in the comment

My friend ignores me now that he is famouse?

I don't know how famous your former friend is but it sounds like he appears to be popular on the internet. Just let it go. Stop trying to contact him because if he wanted to talk to you he would have texted you back by now. Fame is not everything and he will either lose his fame soon or become worn out from having people he doesn't know want to talk to him and all that stuff. Or both. Then he will want to have REAL friendships with people who like him for the person he really is, not just because of what he does for a living. I know that it can be irritating, hurtful and confusing when a friend ignores you for a reason that doesn't seem like a valid excuse. But that's just how some people are-they don't need a reason to be rude and cut somebody out of their life. It doesn't make much sense I know. Focus on the friends you have now and make some new friends. You will meet others who are cool and will not ignore you.

I can't stop eating unhealthy foods?

hi, im 13 years old and im not really fat, but i would like to be ALOT healthier.. basically, if i go in a shop, i have to buy something like chocolate or coke or pringles.. i can't help it, and i can't eat salad or any vegetables i hate them all.. i just don't know what to do any more coz im getting fat and i want to eat healthy and exercise.. but i have no idea how to help myself from eating junk food.:'(.. please help?.. any suggestions would be very much appreciated.. thanks so much:). x

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Why would he do this to me </3?!?!?

Kso; I have this guy friend whom I like. He doesnt know this, but we are very close and he tells me everything about him. lately we have been getting into alot of fights. But they are always fights over text message never in person I cannot stand to yell at him ot his face it would break my heart. Now a couple weeks ago he completely stopped talking to me. nophone calls, no texts, no anything. a few days later, I find out why. He got a girlfriend. He wasnt even brave enough to tell me. Me and this girl dont really get along that well.. and we never have. He still hasnt talked to me. I try so hard.. how can I reason with him? I really miss him, I cant be without him I just feel so empty and... lifeless without him. we used to talk alnight. Up until 4 in the morning juss talking sometimes we would be on the phone and not say anything at all. I just want my old friend back, please help me get him to talk to me!!!

How should I make these truffles?

So I have a recipe on how to make these truffles and it says I need to dip them in chocolate. I don't have a fondue thing or anything like that. Should I put in on a spoon and dunk it in? Or should I try to poke it with a toothpick and dip it in? I'm afraid it'll fall off.

Opening of House of Wax (2005)?

i think vincent was just considered the less favorite and therefore turned out how he did, plus they just did that for shock value

How can I fix my ipod touch screen?

So a month or two ago i dropped my ipod and the screen shattered really bad but it still worked fine. so i didnt bother to fix it. and it was fine. then i spilled chocolate milk on it (haha smooth i know..) and it was still fine. and randomly today it stopped working right. the touch screen is all messed up and everytime i try to type something the letters go all crazy like IHEOFINNWEENURCTIO3NTG3R2OI and yeah. idk what to do.

What is your favourite spread?

Nutella FTW! I have a whole shelf full of them , i actally have some on my dresser right now , i was eating it earlier , right out of the container . It's so addicting ! :D

My ex girlfriend and I are feeling really happy together? (Girls only).?

Why not try it out again? You seem to be attracted to each other. Try taking things slower this time and separating yourself from her for a while so that when you see her again you can actually have a conversation instead of sitting down and being quiet since you have nothing to say. What's there to lose? Go for it.

Question about drinking alcohol with a tongue piercing.?

Kso, my other question, everyone answered my question about smoking.. but nothing about drinking alcohol. It's my birthday weekend, and also may 2-4 , i'm having friends over and we're thinking about gettting alcohol. No beeer, just white rum (?) and some vodka... will that be safe? Itll be a week on Friday that ive had my piercing.. i'll remember to rinse my mouth with saltwater or mouthwash after every drink... Will this be okay?

How to fix things with your ex like things used to be?

kso, My ex and I somewhat talk alot. Were close but than we need our space. I love him to dealth and id do anything to make him happy. We were so perfect together, had everything in comman felt the same about the each, but the feelings sorta drifited off as things happend. Now we know the mistakes and we talk about, and he wants to hang and stuff. He even proves to me sometimes he still loves and cares deep down, by the things he says. He even recently called me for the first time in months again and told me a bit more. Just the things we used to do, how he made me felt, i just feel complete with him. I don't even think about being with anyone else, and when i just doesn't feel right. I can't see myself with anyone else, but when i think of being with him i just get this feeling and than feel like it makes perfect since. I feel like if there is such things as soul mates and he is likely mine. He's the only one to make me comletely happy and made me who i am today, and i love and care about him more than anything. But, Now i found out he may be moving. Which completely torn my heart in two, more then the time we broke up. Breaking up is one thing, but losing him as a great friend and never seeing each ther is another. I can't go through with it.. I just would like to know tips, to help and on how i can get him back, make him miss me more and how i can make him feel like i used to and want me more again so he won't go. Please and Thank you.

Curb chocolate cravings?

i dont want to eat those brownie in a mug things every night...but i ALWAYS crave chocolate/chocolate brownies/something like yodels, etc. EVERY DAY any suggestions? thanks(:

Bra sizing- cups and bands help?

Kso, I was reading this article about bra sizing (LOL dont ask). Anyways, they said you should go up a cup and go down a waist band size ex: 34B to 32C. How does this work? I don't really understand :/

The real reason women have racially lost self respect?

Who do some of you women think you are to be attracted to or even consider glancing at a dark skin black man. What has gotten through some women’s heads, are you sick or something, mentally handicapped what is it? They say that women are attracted to looks like men but come on! What the hell do you see in dark skin black men. Ah dark skin black men are masculine? My *** please! You women should burn in hell for that you make me sick. I don’t believe that any women doesn’t want us or even secretly. Our eye colours vary green, blue, hazel etc, blond/ brunette hair. What have dark skin black men got, chocolate dark skin and that’s supposed to be masculine kisses teeth. For other men I know it is easy for them to feel they aren’t desired but no matter what anyone says everyone knows all women want us and this is no superiority complex as you call it, this is fact. If they don’t they’re either blind or stupid and deserve to die. Ladies do everyone a favour and let them rot on their own. I swear if a women is attracted to dark skin black men she is completely lying as this is not scientifically possible. Every other type of man including light skin black men look closer to the ideal/ us so finding dark skin black men appealing is a lie and God shall punish you for committing such a filthy sin. If you delete this its because it’s the truth. If you don’t delete this its because it’s the truth.

I'm writing an Adventure/Horror survival story and well, how is the first chapter?

Its not offly but youre new at this arent you? first off, is Tino a girls name? thats okay, but no little child talks so expressively in a vivid way. they talk simply and she feels too grown up. your plot sounds nothing like your above description so far, but it is the first chapter. your emotions are getting out right. i feel some bitterness between the boy and the step mother lady but its just not coming out right. this could be done better but i like the idea and this is a good basic start to improving it :D

Why do i lose weight eating more meals?

when you eat more meals your bodies learns not to store extra fat because it knows it will get another sorce of nutrients sooner than if you ate 3 meals a day. Go to google and look up '6 meal a day nutrition' and read any of the heath blogs or papers

I'm 17 and pretty sure that I'm gay but I still think girls are hot. Am I bisexual?

Gays don't think girls are ugly. Even straight men notice a good looking guy. I don't think you're bisexual at all in fact I am sure you're completely gay. Sexual orientation is determined by which gender creates more arousal, seems like girls don't arouse you at all. I as a straight guy can acknowledge that some men are good looking but it's girls that arouse me. Get it. If you were bisexual attractive women would make you hard.

I'm trying to find a college with a great equestrian riding program? I have a list already.?

Alfred U. is a decent small university in the middle of nowhere - literally. But it may be a good fit for you. Don't know how good their equestrian program is, but you could look it up on their website.

Making her feel worthless?

call her out on things that she's sensitive about, but be normal to her in every other way. Just keep doing that on various things that she's sensitive about and she'll feel so bad.

RHH: What did you think of Return of the Mac?

yes yes yes...very smooth album and veryy VERY underrated. i remember i was broke but i managed to bbuy the bootleg when it came out...i might buy the original go bump that now

Why dont some people consider Andy Murray and Rory McILroy as British?

I think most people do accept that they are from the U.K., but as they are not English they receive less media coverage. Andy Murry and Rory McIlroy will be described as British citizens on their passports.>>"ADDITION">>>Hey, @"Old Know All", Rory McIlroy is from Holywood, Country Down,Northern Ireland,United Kingdom.

Does the Lg chocolate touch cost for using the soc network msg feature? or extra a month?

The phone I had broke and got discontinued so the insurance company sent me the lg chocolate touch as a replacement phone but after reading reviews on it I guess you have to pay 9.99$ extra a month for the data plan, however the lady I spoke to over the phone didn't aware me of this and my Verizon account online is locked so I can't check, but if anyone knows if it costs extra to use the social network msg feature or if I have to pay $9.99 even though I didn't buy it, it would help a lot!

My girlfriend is still sick. Should I let her rest?

write her a nice card for when she gets up or just sit beside her and watch tv if you dont want to get it wash for hands or wear a mask.

Any title suggestions?

I need a title for my story. My story is about a fairy named Yasmin Diamonberry who happens to be princess of the fairy kingdom Faylinn. Human fairy hunters have started kidnapping faries for use of their powers or just to keep them as pets. But when Yasmin's best friend Lilly Nightengale is kidnapped, she turns to a special little girl named Lucy Murray. She needs her help finding who is behind what is going on and free the fairies that have been kidnapped. Please no rude comments. And thanks for your help!

Is this ok to eat in a day?

for breakfast 3 cruskits with cheese and pickles( I used 2 medium sized pickles and 2 light cheese slices). For a snacks I had 3 pickles(medium size). I had a small chocolate yogurt which I know I shouldn't of had, but it was small and I was craving it badly. And for lunch I will be having vegetables( broccoli, 3 carrots, 1 onion, 200g of mushrooms, and I will add salt and a teaspoon of margarine to it.

My wire fox terrier is retching but not vomiting and this has been going on for a few minutes. Why?

He was sick last night just the once but has been fine since. Then today he started to retch so I put him outside but no vomit. I had given him two Markies and 2 dog chocolate drops just 5 minutes before and he ate them fine. That is about the usual amount of his mid day snack. (he gets 3 walks a day so he isn't fat). He likes his Markies. He has been retching for 5 minutes but I can't see the problem. I looked in his throat and found nothing obvious. Help.

Why is djokovic such a tennis legend?

He isnt a legend! Its too early to call him a legend. Hes just a great player. You cant put Samprass ,Borg ,Laver, etc. and Djoko in the same place.

What is in the 'baking mix' for soft chewy chocolate cookies that you add butter and egg to?

I just wanted to know if I could make my own because I have chocolate powder, flour, baking powder...

What color should I paint my walls?

I'm going for a nature theme and my bed is sage green (as well as the rug) and my furniture is a chocolate brown.

Am i allowed to bring full sized skin care products on a plane (not carry on)?

Yes, you may put them in your checked bag. Please so not curse in God's name...or in any way. It certainly is not cute or appropriate for anyone, let alone a little girl. you will find it offends many people and they will think less of you for speaking that way. Hope you have a great trip and no breakout problems.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What phone should I get?

have verizon but might switch doesn't matter to me. Right now I have a lg chocolate touch and I really like it. I want something that has Bluetooth built in takes good pictures and video, has an fm radio, mp3, a voice recorder and I want to b able to set my ringtone as one of the recordings if that makes sense. I would like to have Internet at apps and games would be great. Preferebly touch screen. I don't care if it has a qwerty keypad or not. I was thinking about a droid but I don't know what do u think???

My parents arent giving me privacy, what should i do?

kso, the other day my friend thought itd be funny to go buy condoms as a joke. they gave me two so i simply put them in my purse. I told my parents because i knew if they were to look in there they'd flip out. I even told them i wasn't planning on having sex anytime soon. So this morning my mom woke me up and told me my dad took my phone because there was bad messages to guys on there. The thing is I told my dad that me and my friends text people random stuff all the time. i told them i didn't mean anything that was said and that the people knew it was a joke. I honestly don't know what to do about them they don't give me ANY privacy.

Mens wimbledon quarter final, semi and final draw?

I disagree with your final and champion! Federer always picks his game up on grass and after being the only man to beat Djokovic this year that might have a slight bearing on his mindset! I also can't see Nadal losing to Murray, he's the Champion and he has beat Murray many times at Wimbledon so the crowd won't affect him!

Help ? what should i do...?

just talk to him and also remember to give him his space if you are in highschool ask i the seat beside him is taken and if he says no just sit down or a little a little later just sit down and say hi

What should I do with my blank white baggy t-shirt?

kso, I have this blank white t-shirt & tomorrow is the last day of school, Any ideas what to do with it ?

Will Chad Michael Murray and Hilarie Burton be returning for season 9 of One Tree Hill?

I've heard maybe but I've also heard no...I just want to know for sure so I can stop getting my hopes up.

What is the best way to burn fat and build muscle on a budget in regards to a diet and exercise?

Im an 18 year old 6'1 210lb male with hardly any muscle, my normal diet is pretty simple, junk, i drink nothing but soda, about a 24 pack of coke every 2 days, as far as food is concerned i eat things like corn-dogs and microwave burritos for dinner, i work third shift so its hard to plan meals as my girlfriend works days, most of the time i grab what i can, when im at work for lunch i buy 2 Monster energy drinks because the last few years i don't get very good sleep and don't have much energy, and its paired with things like chocolate chip cookies and Doritos i really need some help ive looked online but most things i found are either expensive, hard to cook because i don't know how and my schedule conflicts, or its not something i can just buy outright at lunch time at work, i work in Wal-mart so i have some options but im not sure what to get, now that ive covered food my lifestyle also comes into play, just about every night that im off work or when i get home in the morning i sit down and play video-games or mess around on the computer until i go to sleep, so other than work which im constantly walking and lifting(im a stocker) i don't get much exercise, and to make matters worse im a longtime smoker i used to smoke up to 2 packs a day but have cut down in the last year to a little over half a pack a day, please any help with advice on exercise, food or drinks, how to get my better sleep and energy back, I don't know if anyone can help with the smoking but ill throw that in as well, it would be greatly appreciated

I don't understand him! Does he like me?

He's like, over-trying to make you jealous, and he wants you to tell him you are, and that you like him. I think he DOES like you, and he's trying to pull off a bad boy reputation, because he thinks that's what you like. You've given him signs that would make him think it is. lool. :D

So, should I say something, or is it not going to happen? Preferably guys?

Obviously something is holding him back. He shows interest by talking to you on facebook but at the same time he seems resistant towards texting or coming to your place. He may possibly have insecurities that is preventing him to go down. It could be the distance, perhaps finance or transportation issue, but to get your answer... Just ask. Its possible the response may be a lie, but you can tell by the time frame of the response. Communicate and ask him if you two can do something or if you can call him since he prefers not to text. Know that there is a solution, just gotta find the right one to which he can agree upon. At the same time I find it suspicious he dont like to text but will talk on facebook. Its nearly the same thing but just a faster response. Be observant and try not to have any assumptions or expectations that can lead to more confusion. Just be open and honest.

How should i design the poster?

kso, thres this story of a little black boy who travels to canada and over thre he really wants to play hockey but other people discourage him of not playing so but in the end he dooes play and completes his dream of playing hockey and btw his names mufasa and its a play so the play's name is mufasa plays hockey. so now i need to design a poster for the play "mufasa plays hockey". so how should i design it? and it needs to have a image and text. so please any suggestions???

A better recipe for fake blood?

We have a school project in media where we have to create a short scary/thriller/horror movie without using special effects (meaning we can't edit the footage except for cutting it) and for just one scene we need some blood. We tried using corn syrup and food coloring, but it looked sort of fake and lolly-like, even when we added coffee powder or hot chocolate mix. We can make it look realistic with lighting, but then that makes the rest of the scene look bad. Does anyone have a better recipe?

What kind of chocolates or bars can make you fat?

I am really skinny and I need to get a little more weight... What can I do instead of eating alot of food???

Could the following paragraphs be true statements of what is going on in this world?

Is Charles Murray a Jew? If so I would take what he wrote with a grain of salt. Come to think of it I might take it with a grain of salt anyway. I dislike any race trying to tell other races that they are superior humans. That includes my own race.

Easiest possible way to make chocolate cake?

I know nothing about baking and I must make a chocolate cake ( strawberries). I am 15 and I must do it alone. I know absolutely nothing about baking, Please provide me with an easy stepby step recipe.

How can I get red dye completely off my hair?

I went from honey blonde to Loreal intense red and now I regret it so much. I tried dying my hair a brown with a neutral base to get the outcome of a chocolate brown but every time I wash my hair the red dye always comes out...I try washing my hair two times before conditioning but it still bleeds everytime I wash it. I want to go back to a honey blonde but I need to take this red off without any bleaching. Help please!

What is wrong with him? did he even like me in the first place?

Dating a friend is difficult because if the romantic spark burns out or turns out to be nonexistent it can be really awkward. He started something and then realized it wasn't right and now he is being a total jerk. Just ignore him, in five years you'll barely remember his name.

Omg..... y didnt he respond to my text? HELP. 10 POINTS BEST ANSWER !?

He probably doesn't really truly like you. Most guys just act like that to any pretty girl when they're horny. But maybe not, I could be wrong. He either hasn't gotten around to replying to you yet, he thought maybe it was just like one of those things that you wouldn't care if he replied or not, the message didn't go through, or he just didn't feel like talking. Yeah, there are a lot of things that could have happened, but one of these is probably what did.

The depo shot , does it work?

KSo I got the shot at planned parenthood may 7 and I was told I would experience spotting , I haven't. I had sex and took two morning after pills during the week they said to wait. Is it being effective?

Ok guys, i need your help !?

work through it. sometimes a persons actions have a meaning that an outsides will never see unless they are shown it.

My boobs are so small how can i get them bigger without using any drugs?

kso, my mom has big boobs, but i dont, whos traits do i have like really everyone calls me flat chested, and i get really MAD, WTF, lawls but how can i help them get bigger, if its posible???

Is my lunch for school Healthy? :) ?

yes, this sounds like a healthy diet with fruit, and brown bread, you could make it healthier buy adding a smoothy, fresh fruit juice or water, well done. stick to your good balanced diet. x

How is my dog still alive?

I mean i believe in miracles but this is a fantastic miracle! Well i was reading an article about cats (weird..) and it said cats can die or get sick from eating chocolate like dogs, and i remembered once i left a chocolate donut in a box on a low counter and left outside really quick to water my garden and when i came back in it was gone, and my box was on the floor and the donut was gone i could only suspect my dog because she was the only living thing in the house, she ate a chocolate icing donut, now is this just a miracle or what? But yes im thankful my dog is still alive its been a happy year for her with no problems, she recently turned 3 years old! (:

Whats a really cool screenname for twitter ?

kso im making a new twitter and i need an idea for a screen name . i want something thats really cool and would interest people. oh and also follow me @leah13_ kbyeee

Painting my bed room but it does not get much sunlight?

i want to paint my bed room neutral colors. i love chocolate brown but of course i can not paint my whole room the color because it will be super dark because the room does not get much sunlight. i want to have chocolate brown in there somewhere maybe like an accent wall.

Free music app for ipod touch (10pts) ?

Kso i wanna listen to music for free on my ipod and i have found an app but its not very good! Has anyone got any ideas? Thank you 10 pts best answer x x

If you melt Resses peanut butter cups, would it make a good icing?

Ok, so im making mini cupcakes and i wanted to make it like a Chocolate cupcake with peanut butter icing but regular peanut butter just doesn't taste right so i thought of melting Resses peanut butter cups and then icing them onto the cupcake. would that work out or not?

My dog just ate half of a large bag of M&Ms! What should I do?!?

If they were dark chocolate I would say call the vet at least. Since its milk chocolate and not nearly enough for a serious medical issue just be prepared for a mess. Either when your dog pukes or it comes blasting out the other end. Make sure he's got plenty of water. If you think he may have eaten any of the bag call your vet and at least speak with them.

Im getting a beagle...any help? please provide sources!?

i am getting a beagle(2 months old). i have studied dog breeds for a long time, but i would like some ideas. what kind of food should i buy for the beagle? and yes, i know that chocolate, eggs, soy, etc. is not good for dogs. what brand of food? should it be natural only? what type of toys should i buy? treats? beds? any flea repellent suggestions? and what type of leash and house training pads do u prefer? please provide information and sources. thank you!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Good laptop for gaming?

Kso, I need a new laptop for my birthday (which is in a month) and i can't afford a macbook or anything but I want a laptop with a lot of battery..that has a really good webcam/video recording,,and I want one that can take games really well. like the sims 3. Got an suggestions?

Can I take these items through airport security?

All of the items in your list are fine with the exception of the eighth item, the cheese and sticks. Some security personnel consider the dip to be a liquid. Most are fine but I thought I would point out that one potential problem area. Putting all the food items into bags is a good idea from a hygiene point of view. but not required by security

Does anyone know roughly when murray will be on at wimbledon tomorrow?

Well...Murray vs. Nadal will follow the Djokovic vs. Tsonga match which starts at 1 p.m. England time. That converts to about to 8 a.m. Eastern Standard Time in the U.S.A. Typically the matches will be about 2-3 hours long, so the Djokovic match will end around probably 10 am EST. This will mean probably Murray will play around 10:15-10:30 am EST.

How long does it take to heal eczema?

My cousin had the same proble what you do is go to some natural salt water (ie. oceans, beaches). The natural sea water works wonders towards eczema and right away results

Rate me girls onlyyyyyy?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a rate me on a scale of 1-10 i have loads of confidence i am just wondering......... and as a GIRL haha would you date me just based off looks? and since you cant see my body im about 150 pounds 6'2 skinny

What do you think are the chances of the top 4 men's players in Wimbledon as all of them are in Great form?

It seems to me that it's a pretty good bet that one of the top 4 will win the title. The question is, which one of them will do it?

So should I make the first move ?

Kso.. i kinda have crush on my best friend, he's funny, smart, good looking, immature though but i still like him. Another close friend of mine, Jason. Thinks that I would make a good couple with my best friend cause we constantly flirt, and that he's always talking to him about me. But i don't want to make the first move as in, i don't want to ask him out. I want him to ask me out. What should I do ?

Why do Liberals want us to Pay for Military Abortions?

1, libs tax (borrow on the anticipated wages) the unborn under the guise of helping. when the unborn figure out they've been taxed without representation it becomes a problem. of course kill them first.

Is jo willfred tsonga good enough to get to a final?

well the final at eastbourne was murray v tsonga and murray won, the wimbledon final could be a repeat of that final, i see this as murray's chance to win wimbeldon finally, novak djokovic isn't renound for having a good grass game

How to determine the length of a chord (Math) ? Help ?! Please?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

Do white men like the idea of black women wanting them?

I like white men. I find many of them to be extremely attractive, intelligent, and loving. I get turned on by just being in a room full of them. It's just something about them. Chocolate and Vanilla baby. Raaarw!

What's your favourite comedy movie?

my personal favourite is kingpin (woody harrelson and randy quaid are great in this movie, which also stars bill murray in one of his best ever roles in Ernie 'Big Ern' McCracken), with Anchorman a close second.

What should I do ?? 10 POINTS BEST ANSWRR?

Kso there are these drugged at my school and they look like they have Soo much fun when their high on weed.. I'm really smart in school and don't get in trouble at all, and I don't plan on it but sometimes I feel like my parents don't love me and all I want to do is smoke weed ! Should I try it or should I just stay the way I am ? Everyone already thinks I'm a druggie (EVEN MY PARENTS CALL ME ONE !! ) So clearly my parents don't care .. I just feel like I'm trying so hard at school when I could be getting high and having fun ! Wut should I do ? Oh also the druggies r Soo hot the one I have a huge crush on said that he would let me use his bong ! ?

Sooo, should I say something or is it not going to happen?

He probably sees no reason to text you yet since yall talk on facebook alot..maybe when you're on facebook talking to him you should be like "well i'm logging off text me" or something like that x) idk... and maybe he's waiting for you to say something about hanging out with him since he's the one that asked you for your number...idk hope i helped :)

How to make braces not hurt.?

Kso, im getting braces in a few days, i have spacers on right now. I heard from various people that spacers hurt more than braces if so i have nothing to worrie about. I also heard from a handful of people that braces hurt waay more then the spacers do. I guess it varys on the person and how much pain they can take, but besides the point. I also heard that the day of getting your braces to chew gum and it wont hurt as bad is that true? it you have any other tips im willing to try anything because im going on vacation the day i get them on.

Right, you creative Harry Potter fans, I need your help....?

Make and wand and harden it :D I make them out of paper&hot glue or wood and paint. But clay works too! I'd try mixing the cherry red and chocolate. Then you can say it's made of Cherry Wood.

Just one q. about the farce that is the Apprentice (UK) this time round ..... why did both teams?

.... go for a sweet biscuit last night. Given today's emphasis on 'healthy eating' why didn't either lot consider perhaps producing a savoury biscuit, or at least keep clear of CHOCOLATE?

Why do i crave sugar?

im not talking about your average, "oh i think i want a candy bar"scenario. i have times where i will eat anything with sugar.any candy or food that is sweet. in my cravings, when i have the acess i will eat several bars or entire bags/ boxes of chocolate. or anything sweet available. when i do not have access to common sweets in the past i have, eaten slices of bread with sugar(white/brown/powdered) on top, or sugar and syrup. eaten sweetened drink mixes.or mixes for making sweet foods, when i didnt have the other ingredients to make the food, i have eaten sweetner packets mixed with chili powder, and at the moment i am eating plain white sugar mixed with syrup. What is causing me to have these cravings for sugar?


aww im sorry:'( thats awfull, i came to school without my bra, i forgot to put it on lol so tht was soooo embarassing!

How to make homemade chocolate icing/frosting for brownies?

does anyone have a good recipe for homemade chocolate icing/frosting for brownies? And how do i make it?

Why don't chocolate chips melt into chocolate chip cookies?

I was just wondering why the chocolate doesn't mix in with the dough or with the overall flavor of the cookie.

What kind of diet should you have if trying to get a 6 pack?

Building muscle takes burning calories that you take in. When you work out you are burning away muscle that your body is instantly rebuilding (to be tougher and stronger) doing nothing but dieting won't get you anywhere as a 6 pack is concerned. Boys often eat a ton because we are building muscle which takes energy (which is given off by the burning of calories) eat as much as you want (as long as its HEALTHY chocolate and chips and I'm afraid to say McDonalds won't cut it) but doing it isn't all really hard core you CAN indulge one or twice every couple of weeks as long as you don't let it become 2 or 3 times a week. Doing an ab circuit or weighted sit ups/ crunches should work your upper abs. And a tree trunk (twisting your abs while holding a weighted ball) will work your lower abs. Good luck

Lg chocolate bl40??????

my phone speaker does not when i call but when i go on radio loud speaker it work and at the top there is a headphone icon

Boyfriend touches me whenever he wants.........wt would u do?(need help)?

ok so my bf is 19 so obviously he may like this bt m 14 so i dont ....if m talking he grabs me n starts kissing me n kneads my chest n i hav to shout ''no'' to stop him last tym i went to his house he pushed me onto his bed n opened his shirt n started kissing me n kneading my body i was shocked n tearful n slapped him to let me go....i m a virgin n so is he n i one of his frends told me he wants to have sex with me. cuz m a v (he told dem).......what the heck? now m scared to meet him but he has sent me 1000 sorries by msg n a teddy.chocolates n an expensive dress.....does it means he loves me? and i m totally completly in love with him,,,,,more then myself ,,,,but is he just lusted for me? any suggestions what i shld do?

I need some guy advice please? (Includes cute first kiss story :$)?

you's are 14!!! of course he only wants you for sexual favours. and yes it does mean that his a bad kisser. but you would have to be a bad one to if you went with the flow

What happen if Federer meet Djokovic in Semis and Nadal meet Murray in Semis?

the draw of Wimbledon has noticed that Federer and Djokovic have same group, Nadal and Murray have same group. what do you think when they meet in Semis like Roland Garros?Who will win?

Do you like rainy days or snowy winter days more?

I prefer snowy days :D building a snowman and curling up beside the fire with a mug of hot chocolate ;)

Wow, is this normal?? Should I change my daughters school?

Don't stress...some children are advanced readers...but by 2nd grade it often all evens out and "later" readers can perform just as high as "early" readers (unless there is a learning disability.) Often "early" readers have very high phonics skills but aren't ready for the comprehension component necessary to get meaning from what they are reading. this is what evens it out in the end.

Monday, July 11, 2011

How far would i have to run to burn off 54 grams of sugar? 10 points!!?

just drank an iced white chocolate mocha from starbucks and decided to look up how much sugar it had.... 54 grams. how far would i have to run to burn it off?

Am I in love????????????????????

If he is siding with her I wouldn't be involved with him as love is a two way street and he clearly is not in love with you.

How can a 15 year old boy develop visible abs? (six pack)?

I'm a 15 year old boy. I'm skinny, and i would really like to get visible abs. I hate being skinny with other muscular boys around me in school. I currently have a gym membership, but i haven't been for a few weeks because of money. I do a free swim after school once per week and do press ups (about 30) and sit ups (about 20-30) every night before bed. I'm also trying to cut down on fatty things such as chocolate and eating healthier foods such as fruits. How can improve in a way that will not cost too much money. Are there any good free iPhone apps out there?

If Rochus was taller would he be more successful?

Well he certainly would have a much better serve, but other than that I think he has adapted his game well so that he can compete with the top players. He certainly has strong mental fortitude, great footwork and foot speed, versatility (both a forehand and a backhand slice, and a one handed backhand). Its pretty unusual to play someone with this type of game so he can certainly catch his opponents off guard. I agree that his height hinders him, especially when he is serving or at the net, but I think he has adapted his game well enough so that height is not really an issue. Certainly he has not had consistent results in the past but if he can prove himself and beat del Potro tomorow he can surely prove that even a man of his size can handle playing against taller players.

My friend made me obese?

I know all the details because my friend confessed and told me all this yesterday. So im a guy, 15 and it basically started last year when my friend started lending me some money when I forgot my wallet so I could buy a snack from the vending machine. Then he started coming with me to the vending machine and offering to pay for my snack everyday. He then started buying me two snacks everyday even though I didn't ask and just said I could pay him back next time we went into town or something. So for a few weeks he would buy me two or three snacks everyday and needless to say the increase in calories was beginning to show. My friend said it really started when this happened as he saw me in swimming and noticed I looked chubbier. But it got worse over the next few months, he started buying me more and more snacks and with an increasing appetite and him being so nice I just happily ate. Every two weeks we would go into town to mcdonalds and he suggested an eating contest where the winner got to eat all the food and the loser had to pay for it. As I was getting bigger I always won and found myself eating 5 extra large big macs, fries, ice cream and feeling generally stuffed by the end. At school he would buy me extra snacks to take home and for the weekend in case I got hungry. When I went round to his house he always had plenty of snacks in and we always pigged out, me especially as I got bigger I began to lose control of my appetite, there was a point where I knew I was putting on weight, but I felt so hungry that I wanted more. On my birthday we spent the day in town shopping, I asked if we could get lunch and snacks but he said no, I moaned all day about how hungry I was but he said we wern't eating. Then when we got back to his house he had 3 birthday cakes, biscuits, chocolate and eclairs and said it was my birthday feast which I devoured like a pig. By new year of this year I had just hit the 200lbs mark. As of today I weight 230lbs. Yesterday was our annual yearly fitness test. Not surprisingly there was a lot to say for mine considering I can barely jog now. My teacher told me I had gained 80lbs in a year and my fitness had gone from average weight to morbidly obese. These words made me and my friend stop and think. I had been happy being overweight and he didn't mind making me fat. But when I told him I was morbidly obese and how much I weigh he said it was time to stop, he had just wanted me to get a bit fat for fun but it had got out of hand and now it had to stop. Now what do I do? I know most of you will say lose the weight but any advice?

Favourite Movie Cameos/Guest Appearances?

Probably because this is so recent in my mind but Hugh Jackman in X-Men: First Class. It's funny because the Professor and Magneto walk up to him and Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) goes "F**k off."

What coat color would you consider this Pomeranian puppy to have?

This is my little pom puppy that I will be picking up tomorrow. He is 9 weeks old. I have been looking around a bit on websites, AKC site, ect. to try and figure out what his coat would be considered. Would he be considered wolf sable, chocolate sable, or perhaps something else? I am just asking out of my own curiosity. I have been doing extensive research on this beautiful breed, as I want to be perfectly prepared and educated when he arrives, and this is the only question I have left that pertains to him. Thank you in advance for your input! Here is the link to his picture: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How do I lighten my complexion ?

I am a dark indian person. My complexion is like chocolate all my life I've been bullied for it and been told If I were fairer I'd be pretty. Anyone have any ideas on how to lighten complexion

How do i stand up to my bitchy friend?

Kso she always says like snarky comments to me like for instance i was talking to my other friends and she goes "i don't caree" like i wasn't even talking to her and she just says rude stuff to me and treats me like dirt for no reason. How to i stand up to her and what could i say that like bites back to her but not really hurt her feelings?

Does anyone know if costco sells a chocolate chiffon cake with chocolate glaze?

I'm trying to find a bakery that sells this cake, the recipe was in the Los Angeles Times. Please help thank you, lori in california

My friends, cousins and parents are coming over!?

OK. My friends, cousins and parents are coming over and I'm worrying. I've roasted chicken, cheese and chocolate fondue and some meatballs spaghetti. I think they'll not be so impressed, what do you think?

Potty training a new puppy; pee pads?

Why do you want to train your puppy to go IN the house? It makes much more sense to just take your puppy outside every 2 hours and get him a crate to be in when you can't watch him.

Horse crossing color questions?

You will not know the color outcomes unless you are able to review the bloodlines of the horses and determine their dominant genes. On a side note, black, buckskin, and grey are all considered to be mutations. These are caused as a result of bad genes. This is why it seems so hard to find a 'good' horse of those colors. :)

My friend ( well not really anymore) keeps on saying stuff about me, help?

kso i commented on a pic on fb saying pull up ur shirt cuz her bra was showing. but i really couldn't care less and i was joking cuz she can do wat ever she wants and at the end of the sentence i put this face > ;P like that jking face. so she started spazing and knoe me and her on in a big fight and everyone is saying that i called her a sl*t but i never did so know 1 of my friends is all pissed at me, but the girl who is starting all the drama is saying that im a hole bunch of stuf(like a beoch and other really rude words) and no one like the girl who is starting everything so know she is trying to turn all my friends against me...... what do i do :(

Biggist court case casey anthony or Dr. Conrad Murray?

which court case is going to be number 1 court case of the year casey anthony or Dr. Conrad Murray i think it's Dr. Conrad Murray

Which is better with milk...soft or crumbly/hard chocolate chip cookies?

I dont usually eat milk n cookies but Im craving some choc. chip w/milk. Which do you suggest, the hard or soft ones? Thanks!

Which is the best vibram five fingers shoes? kso?bikila?or something else? which is the newest style?

KSO is best if you sometimes go off-road. It will keep gravel and debris from getting inside the shoe.

Do greasy foods and chocolate cause acne breakouts?

I hear a lot of people saying that these kinds of foods do cause breakouts and stuff but I read a book in my doctor's office that said that they are myths and they don't really cause acne or breakouts for that matter.

Poll:What do you do Christmas eve?

I wake up and eat the last chocolate on the advent calendar and then breakfast. I watch tv then go to Price Chopper with my grandpa to get the big sandwich (i don't eat it). Around 3:00 P.M. my dad and siblings and step mom go over to my grandparents (i spent the night the night before) the adults eat and me and my siblings (my brother is 8,my sister is 5 and i'm 13) Go on the computer and track Santa Claus and call NORAD.We all give compliments to each other. My dad told me i was the smartest son a dad could have. Then i go home with my dad. Then my brother scolds me and tells me i need a haircut (he has a buzz cut and my hair touches my collar and covers my eyes) and then we wake up on Christmas morning and go to see what Santa Claus left for us. Then i go to my grandparents to open my presents there and then i go to my mom's family's house.

Can I make instant pudding with coffee instead of milk?

Possibly, it would be pretty thin pudding though (coffee is much thinner than milk in viscosity), but I like to take adventures!

In Allison Murray's film "Carny"...?

What is the name of the song that "Poochie Love" is singing in one scene. It's something about "lovers and friends"...

Can anyone vouch for this site? Vibram KSO Trek shoes?

Here's a tip. When the contact information section doesn't even list a country, and the only contact info is a yahoo email address, run.

Vibram KSO's for parkour?

Will I be able to parkour with this? Run and kick up a cement wall? I mostly climb walls, so i wanted to know if this would ruin them or if they would be bad for stuff like that. Do they have good grip?

Anyone up for another True/False Food Survey?

1)very very true. 2)very very true. 3)false 4)very very very etc. false. 5)false. 6)false false false i can not not not dislike pizza.

P90X...Protein or Carbs ?

I'm not on any programs, but I do carbs before the workout ( not right before ) and protein after. It's been working for me.

Will NBC air the entire Nadal vs Murray match?????

ESPN2 will air Tsonga-Djokovic.. but what if that match is over very quickly? Will they also air the first part of the Nadal match too?

Best kind of birthday cake?

Its both mine and my boyfriends birthday on sunday and were having a bunch of people over for a bbq birthday party and i am thinking making my own cake would be cheaper, I am just trying to figure out what to make. I have this recipe for a devils food cake and buttercream frosting. it looks good but i just don't know what to make since some people might not like chocolate how do i decide why type of cake to make or does it even matter